What words shape your world?
Dressed in a statement yellow blazer, a cherry red headband positioned high on her head 22-year-old Amanda Gorman took her place before the steps of the US Capitol.
Her poem, “The Hill We Climb”, is a poem to America. But its rhythms are familiar. The message, one tinged with hope, a cry for unity in a divided nation.
In meter, rhyme and repetition she built a vision of a country where, quoting Scripture, “Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid…” (Micah chapter 4, verse 4,)
In a time where tweets are unloaded like a tommy-gun and there are debates aplenty, words are imbued more like venom than a salve for the soul.
Politics and every other complicated issue aside, in her words she crafted a space for imaginations to soar. She created a vision to run after.
While the vision presented on steps of the Capitol last week were admirable it’s only an echo compared to a life with a vision set on Christ.
Nearly a month into the 2021 if you haven’t already set a vision for your year, read further and consider these points as to why you should.
Vision creates purpose
Whether we all know it or not, we all live with a certain vision for our lives and every decision we make is a contribution to the person we’re becoming. That’s why people love New Year’s resolutions so much. They are imagining a vision of who they want to be.
We discover who we are meant to be by knowing God’s story and being involved in it. The biblical story is one of creation, rebellion, redemption and restoration. It’s a simple promise but when Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”
(Matthew chapter 6, verse 33) but it is true.
The Bible is filled with stories of God giving his people small steps of faith to take and because they trusted him and were obedient, purpose was found.
When Joseph had his dream in Genesis 37 it set course for the rest of his life. No matter what he faced he knew the faithfulness of a good a God and remained faithful in spite of everything he faced.
Vision creates perseverance
A vision centred on Christ allows us to push forward no matter what we face. in James chapter 1we are told to expect trials and tribulations in our lives. He asks us not to lament it but to count it all joy. As we learn to rely on Christ more, when we face difficulties and know that nothing goes waste for those who seek him (Romans chapter 8, verse 28). A Christ-centred vision allows to live with an eye on the future, that even though the right now may be far from ideal we live with a God that continues to work in our lives even if we don’t see it.
In saying this, to cultivate perseverance we must shape our hearts through the reading of word, worship and prayer so we know the God whom we rely on. In John 15 when Jesus speaks of being connected to the true vine that means there are things we can find ourselves attached to that are not of him. Our perseverance is strengthened the better we know our God.
God has gifted us with a unique vision for our lives
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
(Psalm chapter 139, verses 13-14)
God doesn’t just save us so we can get a ticket to heaven, but to be participants in his universal plan of redemption for the world. Greater than a job or career, our personalities, giftings, passions and strengths all contribute to who he is calling us to be.
If vision is something that has eluded. Take some time today to reflect on your life, spend with God and work towards discovering the person he wants you to be.
Justin Sayson is a freelance journalist living on the Sunshine Coast. From about sport, music, faith or anything else, he’s always keen to discover more about the world around him. You can see more if his writing on justinsayson.com