I hear it all the time. Comments like, “I don’t go to church because they’re just a bunch of hypocrites” or “Christian’s are all fake. They’re too hypocritical.”
It’s true! The church today is full of hypocritical believers. I have witnessed hypocritical actions and have also been the perpetrator. I have been hurt by hypocrites and have also done the hurting. The church, including myself is a big mess.
To all the people I have hurt intentionally and unintentionally. I am sorry. I take full responsibility for not being the man that God has called me to be. Likewise, on behalf of the Christians that have hurt, accused, wrongfully judged, and slighted you, I beg for your forgiveness and mercy.
A bible teacher once noted that Christians are “people in process, with the call to help people in process.” I like this definition of believers and our calling to make disciples of Jesus Christ, and I acknowledge that it also gives room for human error.
I praise God that I am not the man that I once was but I still acknowledge that I have a long ways to go. Because I am a man in process, trying to help people in process, I understand that there is room for continual growth. In this growth towards being more like Jesus, I open up the possibility for me and the church as a whole to play the hypocrite.
I am not excusing my actions. On the contrary, I am asking for grace and mercy to be extended to me and my brothers and sisters in the Lord that are still in process. We need your understanding and forgiveness.
Jesus loves hypocrites
I’m grateful that the unconditional love of God continues to be lavished on me. I’m blessed to know that because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, I can stand before a holy God due to the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ that I receive by grace through faith. (See Ephesians chapter 2 verses 1-10).
This great love of Jesus doesn’t mean that I can remain being a hypocrite; it means that I now have the opportunity for God purge out all my hypocritical tendencies.
Please see past us and see Jesus
Friends, don’t let Christians (people in process, trying to help people in process) keep you from knowing Jesus. Christians will always fail you. Christians will let you down. Christians will make you angry and hurt you more than you’d expect. You should look to Christians as an example of Jesus Christ but don’t expect 100% accuracy.
Jesus never fails. Look to Him for your example of what it means to be a Christian. He is the perfect, faithful, and loving Savior.
To the family, friends, and acquaintances that I’ve hurt, would you give Jesus and me another chance?
Aaron serves in Murrieta, CA and is a pastor at Cross Culture Ministries and is also the director of On The Edge.
Aaron Sabio’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/aaron-sabio.html
Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside LA, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO]Collective.