I have mixed feelings about new seasons of life. I enjoy the rush of the unknown, but hate the anxiety that quickly follows pursuit. I love meeting new people, but cringe at the potential awkwardness that poisons the air during a dead conversation.
I look forward to the new sights and sounds of new locations, but absolutely hate wasting time by getting lost.
I believe new seasons are tools in the hands of God who desires to build in us a purer love and adoration for Himself. In this new season, God is teaching me to trust, submit, and serve.
I love taking time to step back and appreciate all that God has done for me. When I do this (and I should do it more often) I am reminded of His faithfulness and the perfect track record of His goodness. God has never abandoned and will never abandon me.
This means that I can have a deep trust in His leading in my life. God, the Good Shepherd knows in which direction to lead me. I can trust in His Shepherd’s heart that wherever He leads, He will be with me. (See Psalm 23) Though new seasons bring a level of uncertainty, I can be certain of His loving and perfect plan for my life.
New seasons provide new challenges, and new challenges provide new opportunities for godly growth. The only thing that can stop God from growing godly character in me through these new challenges is my own unwillingness to submit. When I am not submitted to God’s plan I hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.
If I am ever to learn a lesson from the Lord, I need to lay down my pride and learn to lose to God. Instead of wrestling with God like Jacob, (see Genesis 32) I need to have the heart of Jesus, which cries, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” I’m learning in this new season that as I lose to God in submission, I become a partaker of the Champion’s life.
Because new seasons have their footprints in ambiguity it’s easy to isolate myself and worry about my immediate needs. By God’s grace I am encouraged to continually serve God by serving others, even in the face of uncertainty. By trusting in God’s heart and submitting to the pressures of new seasons, I am still able to be Christ’s hands, feet, and mouth piece to the world.
As Jesus as my example, there is no excuse for me to look back and take my hands off the plow and stop serving Him. (See Luke 9:62) Serving is not only a command, but also a privilege that God give to His people in all seasons of life.
While it may be comfortable to ignore the lessons of new seasons, it is not profitable in the long run. If God, the Good Teacher, sees fit to teach and test His people through new seasons, we would be foolish to ignore the Holy Instructor. Brothers and sisters, embrace new seasons. Thank God for the lessons of the past, and look forward to new experiences of growth in the future.
Remember that each season has an end, so take advantage of every day. Keep your focus on the one who sees the beginning from the end and don’t lose heart.
Aaron serves in Murrieta, CA and is a pastor at Cross Culture Murrieta, a teacher at Calvary Chapel Bible College, and is also the director of On The Edge.
Aaron Sabio’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/aaron-sabio.html

Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside LA, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO]Collective.