It’s always at this time of the year that we start to make new commitments. We tell ourselves that THIS TIME we’ll stick to it. That gym membership is going to last this time, this year is the year I finally learn the guitar, and I’m going to read so many more books.
How often it is, though, that these commitments never last. Maybe a week, maybe a month, but inevitably some part of our original promise to do something different is lost simply because we weren’t as committed as we thought we were.
And that’s not so say, friends, that some of you don’t actually stick to your guns and really change your life with the turn of the year. What I want to do here rather is encourage us; while it may be a new year, this will still be the same mission.
The same mission
This mission I’m talking about is the same one I’ve talked about countless times before; to see Heaven on Earth.
This is basically the prime directive for all of us that believe in Christ, and with every decision we make we hold within us a responsibility to tilt the world that little bit closer to Heaven. With every conversation we have, with every place we go, we carry that little light within us that, when properly kept, sparks and spreads like an uncontrollable fire.
The thing about this mission is that it can be achieved in so many ways; you can partake whether you’re a preacher, or a sales assistant. We each all have our own unique giftings and positions that paint the spectacular mosaic which will see the world bow before His love and glory.
There’s not much complicated about it, it still remains the same mission Jesus gave his disciples when he said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew Chapter 28, Verse 19, NIV). This is the mission. No matter what challenges await you in the new year, no matter what you’re expecting, our goal is still the same.
The same Jesus
As well as that I think sometimes, we need to remember Jesus and his love is still the same. In Hebrews it is written, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews Chapter 13, Verse 8, NLT).
Despite what some of the world may think, our Jesus is still the Jesus that sets people free and shows nothing but unconditional grace and love. He is the same Jesus that hung from a cross and took all our sins upon himself. He is the same Jesus that gives me a reason to live.
Maybe you have quite the shocker of a year ahead of you, and if that’s true, friends, I want to encourage you to pursue Jesus that much harder. Because he’s the same Jesus. Not a Jesus that condemns but a Jesus that refreshes. Never ever forget that.
I wrote last year about the fact that we as Believers never get an off-season. That the mission we carry never really has a period of time where we take a break. On paper, that sounds impossible, but Jesus declared that he gives living water that never runs dry. He gives us a supernatural kind of energy that constantly re-energises us and renews us.
So once more, friends, I remind you in this turn of the year that Jesus still gives living water. Pursue it and you will not thirst or grow weary.
The new you
It’s important however to understand that not everything is the same nor should it remain the same. Paul writes, “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans Chapter 12, Verse 2, NLT).
This year, like any year, we simply must remember that we are not perfect, and not even close to finished, and so we have to be open to change. We to be ready to go through the wringer and totally transform our mind, becoming always better at stewarding the mission Jesus has given us.
So many times I’ve heard the sentence, particularly from young people, uttered along the lines of “why should I need to change?” or “I’m not changing who I am.” This terrifies me. How could one ever be so naïve as to say they’re perfect and other people are all wrong? It’s unfortunate, and so the last thing I want to encourage you about this year, friends, is to not remain the same yourself. Recognise that we are not perfect and that we can always do better.
But above all else, remember this year that Jesus loves you. That nothing you do is unforgivable and there’s always next time.
I shall leave you with a line from Rocky. “… it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward.”. There are going to be some hard days this year, and you will be hit, and God will always be in your corner when you get knocked to the floor. He will always be there to see you get back up again.
Josiah Gray lives in Logan City, Australia. He is currently studying teaching at Christian Heritage College and is committed to telling the story of Jesus to the next generation.
Josiah’s previous articles can be found at

Josiah Gray lives in Logan City, Australia. He is currently studying teaching at Christian Heritage College and is committed to telling the story of Jesus to the next generation. Josiah’s previous articles may be viewed at: