Everyone comes from a family and bears the imprint of it. As for me, I am blessed to have three families: my original family in Hubei, a church family in Beijing and the heavenly home that God promised, and they all play vital roles in my life as I grow.
Original family
I was born into a family of five and am the eldest child of it. In traditional Chinese culture, the elder child is supposed to be obedient to parents and a good example for younger kids. These were unwritten rules that I learned fast from a young age.
As time went by, I felt burdened and weary of that role in the family. I tried every way possible to flee from home as soon as I became old enough to make decisions independently. I continued willfully making my own life decisions until I understood God’s good purpose in setting up a family.
There is an order in a family and each member has his own place. Surely I should do my part well. That being said, it’s not all my responsibility to hold the family together. Each person has his duty to perform as well. My role in my family is to love and serve within the given capacity, rather than forcing myself to become a flawless role model or shoulder responsibilities that are not mine.
With the new mindset, I am more willing to integrate myself into the family and serve each member cheerfully. These proactive changes allowed me to view each member evenly, and led to gratitude of the place that God puts me in the family.
Church family
During the time I am away from my biological family and working in Beijing alone, the church family is where my heart finds a home. It provides not only family care, but also the environment for healthy spiritual growth. When I became a Christian initially, I was not clear about basic doctrine and had little understanding of the Bible. The church family enabled me to grow in my understanding of my faith, and go further on my Christian journey.
The Biblical preaching each Sunday at church kindled my passion for God’s Word. The prayer meeting enhanced my prayer habit, the fasting plan allowed me to practice what I believe, the Bible reading schedule assisted me in reading the Bible thoroughly, and the small group meetings provided a space where I could safely share my inner most thoughts and receive wise counsel.
With the assistance of a loving church family, my spiritual growth has been noticeable in recent years. I have also been given the chance to serve in church in the near future. This October, I will begin learning to be a Sunday school teacher! Even though I haven’t been one before, I believe He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion.
Heavenly home
Worship within the church family is a picture of what believers do in the kingdom of God. Since I am still on earth and have duties to do, the time in church is always limited. I will still need to go back to the fallen situations and fight with the world, flesh and devil daily.
When in the heavenly home, I will be able to see Jesus face to face, and worship and enjoy Him forever, together with all those who have faith in Him. There will be no pain, no tears and no end of the worship service. Eternal peace and rest will be found there! Isn’t it marvelous?
No wonder Paul said that “We would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5, verse 8). He considered that the life on earth pales in comparison to the heavenly home awaiting him. This is true for us Christians as well! We live our life faithfully on earth and always place our hope in the kingdom to come, as all the Biblical figures did in Hebrew 11.
It is a great blessing to be a member of all these three families: an original family that cares for me, a church family that builds me up, and most importantly, a heavenly home that God promises!

Cindy Cheng was born and brought up in central China. Cindy enjoys travelling and reading history books. Cindy is inspired by talking with local people when travelling abroad experiencing different parts of the world, as well as herself.
Cindy’s previous articles may be found at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/cindy-cheng.html