If you have been on social media, you would have come across at least one article regarding New York legalising abortion up to birth. The world reacted. Some rejoiced that humanity has finally “progressed”. Others recoiled in horror at the fact that a baby well and alive in the mother’s womb could be murdered without reason. As a follower of Jesus Christ and also as a mother, I found myself in the latter group. I have read plenty of articles and personal stories both for and against the law. Out of all the things that I have read, these words by pro-life activist, Frank Pavone, struck me as the most necessary for the body of Christ to hear and understand:
“When someone is pregnant, she is not “expecting a child” – she already has one. She is not “going to be a mother” – she already is a mother. The baby is not “on the way”, the baby has already arrived. If we are going to change the way society treats unborn children, we have to change the way we talk about them.”(Source: Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day).
The invisible line
The way we talk about unborn children has now created an invisible line of separation between the child in the womb, and the child outside the womb. The child inside the womb has been deemed a fetus or ‘a clump of tissue’. The fact that we can’t see or feel the child somehow creates a sense of detachment.
The child that makes it out into the world crying for all to hear, wanting to be cuddled and nursed; we excitedly welcome as our baby. The reality is that the baby that one hour ago was in the womb and now in the world is one and the same.
Years ago, I had a miscarriage at six weeks of pregnancy. In the midst of my grieving, I was told that “The baby is not even formed” and comments such as, “oh, it was only six weeks”. Hearing these words from well-meaning Christians made me even sadder.
The Bible and unborn children
If we want to change the way we talk about unborn children, we first have to know what the Bible says about unborn children. We have heard countless times that “Children are a gift from God; they are a reward from him” (Psalm chapter 127, verse 3). But did you know the Bible refers to the unborn baby numerous times? Here are some examples:
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm chapter 139, verse 13)
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah chapter 1, verse 5)
“And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb…” (Luke chapter 1, verse 41)
We can easily deduce that life begins from when the child is in the womb based on what the Bible says. How amazing it is that God had a plan for our life before we even drew our very first breath! As Christians, the Bible should be the standard we live by.
Changing the way we talk - speak life
Whether it is from the pulpit, or in our daily conversations, we need to make sure to guard our tongue. Proverbs chapter 18, verse 21 says, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose”.
How we as the church talk about unborn children can change and save lives. God in all His sovereignty talks about the unborn with such tenderness and authority. We can do no different than to follow the example of our heavenly Father.
Choose to speak life and see mothers rejoice for the babies in their womb. Choose to speak life and see Jesus heal the broken hearts aching for their children. Choose to speak life and see man made laws overturned. Choose to speak life and see the baby talk redefined.
Where to get help
Do you need someone to talk to regarding your pregnancy? Click on this link: http://voiceforlife.org.nz/support/pregnancy-support/
Mussita Ng is a follower of Jesus Christ from Wellington, New Zealand.
Mussita Ng is a follower of Jesus Christ from Wellington, New Zealand. Her previous articles may be viewed at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/mussita-ng.html