In February of this year, my article entitled ‘God Friended Me’ introduced you to the characters of said series. (Check out http://christiantoday.com.au/news/god-friended-me.html). The main Character, Miles Finer, is an atheist who is one day befriended by God on Facebook. Throughout two seasons, he and his two close friends, Cara Bloom and Rakesh Singh, spend their days helping the friend suggestions sent to Miles by ‘God’.
Throughout the storyline with each new suggestion, Miles is evolving into a new man. He insists that he is still atheist, but it is clear that the God account has an agenda by sending him to help all these people. Half of his time is spent blessing these individual suggestions’ lives by solving grave life problems, but the other half is spent assiduously trying to uncover who is behind the God account in an attempt to disprove that this could actually be God. Cara goes along with him on these missions and it’s not long before they develop feelings for each other.
Miles is elated that the God account has gifted him love with Cara. As for his friend Rakesh, he is the mastermind tech genius spending all his time uncovering the algorithm for the God account.
Evolving plot
As the plot thickens, we meet Miles’ sister Ali Finer who, later in the series, is made aware that she has developed breast cancer, much like that of her mom who passed. Of course, this is painful for any family, but especially for the Finers who have already witnessed their beloved Mom and wife’s demise to this terrible disease. Miles bemoans the fact that the God Account does not give him any clue on how to save his sister, until the very last episode, when finally, he is sent Ali as his friend suggestion. He takes every suggestion serious, but this one of course was dear to him.
Waiting in her room for surgery, Ali cannot find her Bible and asks Miles to go home and get it for her. He would have to take the subway, but based on the time of her surgery, she assured him there would be enough time to get it. Earnest to do best by his sister, Miles and Cara head out to get the Bible, but gets held up on their way back as there was an accident on the sublines.
Ali’s doctor advises that an earlier surgery was cancelled and that she would prep her earlier for surgery. Despite Miles not returning in time with her Bible, Ali goes into surgery. Miles is distraught when he returns and is told that his sister went in earlier. As they all wait through this tough time, Miles decides to open the Bible and finds a letter from Ali addressed to him hidden at Jeremiah 29:11. The letter explains how she feels about his support and her wises for his life.
The doctor advises that there is a complication with Ali. Although they have successfully removed her cancer and there was no sign of spreading, she suffered a blood clot and had to be given blood thinners for a recovery. Miles take this news hardest and leaves the group behind to privately go and cry. His father follows to comfort him explaining that hope is all they have, and that prayer is the only thing that can help Ali now.
Eventually, Miles decides to do the one thing he had avoided all season long. He goes to the church….and he sits and decides to finally pray. No sooner was he done doing so did his father call with new information. When he returns, they are all advised that Ali pulled though and is now in recovery and alert.
A profound ending
What was the God account after we finally ask? That Miles, the atheist, would rediscover his faith! He said he asked God for help in the church that day, and that’s when he got the call to return to the hospital for the good news.
He had decided two or three episodes earlier to stop trying to uncover who was behind the God account. All he cared about at this time was that he was doing a great service to humanity, and he couldn’t see himself living without doing that.
One year later, the God account summons Miles to the top of a mountain to finally meet. We see him taking in the beautiful mountain air and when a small child comes to fetch him to state readiness…. that’s how the series ends.
I am pleased with the ending, and as promised, that I could let you all know how it did. That Miles had to finally regain his faith to help his sister is overcoming and amazing. I am truly sad that the series has ended, but I believe it has sent a profound message. God will certainly use whatever means to pursue his lost sheep all so we can finally have FAITH yet again. And finally, I was more that pleased with the scripture chosen to end it all, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah Chapter 29 verse 11, NIV).

Kimberley Salmon from Jamaica West Indies is a praise and worship leader who remains passionate about touching hearts through singing and writing as she thrives to become a published author of Christian women’s fiction. She loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is grateful for God’s saving grace which continues to transform her life. As a senior Press Service International Columnist, she is elated that she can now share her journey with God with the world.