Wow, I can't believe that we are now at the end of another year. What an incredible year it has been. So many lives changed, souls saved, and miracles happening all across New Zealand. It is so exciting to be part of building God's Kingdom on the earth.
But your 2018 may not have gone so well. You may have had challenges, which we all face. You may have had lost a loved one and that may have brought a lot of pain and even unanswered questions regarding your faith and where your future lay.
I was in prayer last week and I heard the Holy Spirit say that he is about to pour his rain on the just and the unjust. When I heard the words, I also heard chains falling! What an incredible declaration. I heard chains falling off people and I said Holy Spirit what does that mean?
The move of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit said that is the move of my spirit breaking chains of hurt and disappointment of 2018 and I am getting ready to pour my wind (the ushering of his presence over this year).
See, the Holy Spirit is wanting to come back into the church to not just usher more programmes or events but an actual move of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been in a prayer meeting and you hear someone pray, “Lord, send revival” or “Holy Spirit, we want another move of the Spirit?”
I have and there has been times in the past where I have said yes Lord breathe your move again. But recently I was preaching at a church in Auckland and I saw something fresh that I haven't before.
It wasn't the 200 plus people that were in a college hall with the lights and the praise and worship on a Sunday morning. It was when I got off the plane and the pastor's personal assistant was there waiting with a coffee and a bottle of water for me.
It was the work that this local church was doing in the community feeding high school students breakfast and the impact of helping new believers in South Auckland to be disciples.
The youth that have just got saved are creating a place where they can come on a Saturday to play basketball and build relationships with one another. To me, they are being part of the move of God and it isn't reserved for a Sunday morning but rather they are laying down their lives daily.
As we approach the end of another year, what does the move of God look like for you and your church community?
You may be a pastor reading this article today and you may just want to give up on ministry. I know I have had moments like that where it would just be easier to give up as it is too difficult.
But I want to declare over your life today that your draught season is over and the Holy Spirit is announcing a new day over you today! You are called to be a move of God and to bring the Holy Spirit back into what he is doing within your community and beyond.
The enemy would want you to settle in comfort but today I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to announce a fire into your heart. Don't wait for the next conference to come around the corner but step into the fulfilling of the great commission today.
Brendon Collins is a Press Service International young writer from Wellington New Zealand.
Brendon Collins is a Press Service International young writer from Wellington NZ. He would love to hear from any readers if this article has encouraged you. You can find him on Facebook or Instagram or you can email him at: