The more noise and hysteria that is made about the 2020 pandemic, the more that which has been drowning in the depths begins to clamour for the surface. Fear jolts the adrenaline of those who wish to survive. Everything within our being accentuates, our instincts sharpen, our muscles contract and brace for impact, anything that comes out of our mouth is something that we deem of absolute necessity, especially when we are trying to control our breathing.
Everyone has different points when their adrenaline sets in. Some feed off it, some resist any possible engagement with its power. Adrenaline is addictive, yet also unsustainable for lengthy periods of time. It takes a toll on the body and energy levels. Nothing makes us feel more alive than flirting with death. Currently, the 24hrs of news and propaganda is feeding our fear. The atmosphere is tense.
Secular authorities continue to be caught in a web of lies and confusion. Their death projections and numeric tolls are almost as padded as news of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was. Rather than end the virus it now appears they want to somehow sustain the beast and its drumbeat through any means possible.
We are being locked into a chain gang. A chain gang is created so that if one member pulls against the whole it causes friction and pain on the rest. To regain relief other linked members will beat the dissenter back into place so that they can create slack and move toward the enforced direction with at least a little less suffering. After all these lockdowns virtually no government is offering complete freedom from the chain collectively placed upon us, just a little loosening of the slack if we behave and submit. All this comes with the promise of tightening it back up again as soon as anyone begins to pull in a differing direction than we are being led towards. Some preachers used to say that when Paul spoke of the body of death, he was referring to Roman prisoners being given a dead body chained to them to drag around all day. I don’t know the source of the story or even whether it’s true, but this virus, whether we test positive or not, is the body of death society has now been chained too. An invisible stigma and shame. Of course, media and technology can make the invisible now visible.
Nobody deserved or asked for this. We were free. We are currently experiencing a severe travesty of human justice and dignity, and many feel safer chained up!
Yes, I believe that the pandemic is being sustained as much as restrained. Powers want it to last. The real big question for debate is not whether we can prevent death but what sort of death can we live with. Cowards need not enter the conversation. Biblical arguments can be twisted whichever way you desire, as they always have been. Science will always have differing theories in the face of new challenges, although the speech police are out for those who wish to debate the pre-conceived agenda driven narrative. Doctors are being silenced and gagged, scientists discredited, and religious leaders have now been deemed completely irrelevant, apart from feeding the unemployed and hungry. Where I am now the government is also trying to commandeer that also.
The world has been placed on a sinking ship filled with enough lifeboats for almost everyone, yet we are given the option of rescue through only one. Remedies are thrown overboard while we wait for a new boat with 7 billion vaccines and ventilators for all. Herd immunity has ever been at the core of the survival of every species of the planet, yet we are being forced to distance ourselves from its mention. The strong are not being allowed to bear the viral burdens of the weak and are instead being made weak themselves. Every individual and societal foundation has been purposefully shattered.
We have been given a test with multiple correct answers but only one is allowed if we want to graduate into the new society under construction. The 2030 agenda set forth by the U.N aims to eradicate poverty worldwide and reach what they consider a sustainable and controllable population. Though there are various means through which this can be achieved it seems that they have chosen the chain gang method as most suitable. In a chain gang we all get a little, no one misses out, but anyone who tries to break free for something more is burdened by the weight of everyone else. We are totally dependent on our prison wardens and limited by each-other. The death of independence and the individual pursuit of happiness and freedom is now at hand. It is this that gets my adrenaline pumping. Not the virus.
Obviously, 7billion plus people cannot be physically chained together. This is where the internet of things comes into play. Make no mistake, 5G and A.I tech make it entirely possible. This is why the alarm about technocracy is sounding simultaneously to the pandemic. Wi-fi and smart grids are dangerous for more than health reasons alone, of which there are many, including non-thermal EMF dangers, known and studied since the 1970’s. (Telecommunication company testing procedures and their monetary linked affiliates only focus on thermal EMFs and do not account for pulsation and polarisation etc.) Following Chinas model, we and every device and action we partake in will be connected, with punitive measures taken against anyone who tries to escape the chain. This is why I reject all covid-19 tracing apps and the like. No good system can be built through evil programming. The tree and the fruit must both be good, or the tree and the fruit must both be evil.
Why yoke me with new unnecessary burdens? I reject this absurd ‘new normal’. I answer with King David, who was given the impossible dilemma for his population meddling (wink, wink): “let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for great are His mercies, but let me not fall into the hands of man”. Famine, war or pestilence? This is our God given multiple choice. Give me pestilence, perhaps God will have mercy. As for man and His institutions? My faith in them has vanished, may they vanish too. Let the Kingdom of God come.

Joshua Robbie is currently serving the Lord under Pastors Ronnie and Shirley Naidoo of KZN Celebration Centre in Tongaat South Africa. He and His wife Rene’ moved from Australia to South Africa in April 2016. Their desire is to help in whatever way they can so that the church can become all that God has purposed her to be. Josh is a painter by trade and also enjoys sports such as surfing, basketball and boxing. He has also written a book, now available for purchase on Amazon called: “Your Father sees: Living the sermon on the mount”.Josh Robbie previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/josh-robbie.html