“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians chapter 2, verses 3-4). This verse, hands down, is one of my favorite bible verses. Not only does it challenge the status quo of the 21st century, it has demolished it.
Imagine being told to put others above yourself! This generation is one that teaches self-love, self-will and don't get me started on all this talk about believing in yourself. I am not opposed to self-love, but I think things are getting way out of hand.
The first commandment tells us to “love God with all our hearts, minds and soul and the second likewise, love our neighbours like ourselves” (Matthew chapter 22, verses 37-39). It has been harder to be a Christian in this era than ever before. We live in a world where pride is at an all time high and humility at its low. We are undoubtedly in the prophesied last days. The future looks very dim, those who will carry the baton for the next generation have no respect for authority or human life. Welcome to the 21st century people!
The self-love generation
With the creation of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter everyone now has a platform to openly display how much they truly love themselves. I mean, it has gone to levels of being totally outrageous. The excessive need to be heard, to be right, and to be who you are is now taking the world by storm. This makes me very uneasy because these ideologies rip deep into the very fabric of humility that Jesus taught us.
The bible teaches us that our identity comes from knowing Jesus and walking in his ways (John chapter 14, verse 6). “You can find the truth by looking within” - this statement is the belief of the century. These new age ideologies and teachings promote more self-awareness and self-love.
Jesus said He was the truth and we should seek Him. The generation of this era will do almost anything to acquire wealth and riches, to be famous and glamorous. The Bible says we should deny ourselves and follow Jesus (Luke chapter 2, verses 11-12). Who wants to deny themselves when everyone around you is doing whatever they want and teaching this error to others around them?
Pride at an all time high
The world is full of ambition and vain conceit. Everyone wants to be great, powerful, wealthy, and influential. When Jesus sat with His disciples He told them that to be great they must be the least (Matthew chapter 20, verse 26). We live in a world that opposes the teaching of Christ at every corner.
Everyone wants to live their “best life”. I call it the “best LIE”! The world hungers after beauty, power, and riches so they appear more than they are. Without Jesus we are nothing and without gentleness, a kind heart, and gentle spirit, all our selfish ambition would only cause us to fall deeper and deeper in that pit of pride.
I am no stranger to this pride streak that has covered the whole world. I remember in my earlier years of school, all I could remember being taught was to be the “best”, to make a lot of money, own a nice car and a nice house. The picture perfect image of success that this world has taught us is nothing but an illusion.
This world is passing. Everything will fade away, but the knowledge and the wisdom that we have by knowing Jesus will last for eternity. In this era, pride is now a rainbow flag. What once represented a symbol of God's mercy is now a symbol of the lust and self-pleasing nature of mankind.
Generation of vipers
The Bible speaks about the disobedient generation that will seek only after evil things and lustful desires and scorn the truth of God (2 Timothy chapter 3, verses 1-9). Never in the history of the world has sin been so normalized and praised. Those who seek to live righteous lives now face open rebuke and alienation from friends and families. On television, in music, and many other forms of entertainment the world continues to inject itself with the lethal drug known as “sin”.
I have grown tired of hearing songs about sex, drugs and money. The pride of life has cause many to turn away from believing in The One who died for them. People rather put faith in the wisdom of mortal men who live and die and no one is willing to humble themselves to The One who overcame death. This generation has embraced evil and death thinking that this is “the good life”.
It's time out for playing games! We hear people saying that we are in the last days, and it’s true. We don't have all the time in the world anymore to play with God. He says His word is true and will not return void (Isaiah chapter 55, verse 11).
We must get serious about developing a true relationship with God, and taking our places in His Kingdom by encouraging others to come out of the snares of the enemy, and into the arms of our Father! The time has come for us to choose which side we're on. Will we follow the world, or will we deny the lies and cruelty of the world and follow God? Which will you choose?
My name is Marko Dewar, I am a 26 years old from Kingston, Jamaica that just recently moved to Chicago, IL. I am an aspiring author, mentor, and life coach. I received Jesus in 2017 and I have made a commitment to live only for Him. I became a young writer with Christian Today through recommendation from Darren Salmon.

My name is Marko Dewar. I am a 27yrs old from Kingston, Jamaica that just recently moved to Chicago, IL. I am an aspiring author, mentor, and life coach. I received Jesus in 2017 and I have made a commitment to live only for Him. I became a young writer with Christian Today through recommendation from Darren Salmon.