Marko Dewar
Press Services International

My name is Marko Dewar. I am a 27yrs old from Kingston, Jamaica that just recently moved to Chicago, IL. I am an aspiring author, mentor, and life coach. I received Jesus in 2017 and I have made a commitment to live only for Him. I became a young writer with Christian Today through recommendation from Darren Salmon.
Jesus, where are you?
If anyone ever asked me what I would do if I had the power to time travel, I would respond with zeal and shouting, “I would go back to the days when Jesus walked the earth!”
Who do you say I am?
We live in a generation where people are somewhat hungry for the truth. With so many perceived truths and not to mention the great increase in knowledge, its even harder to separate fact from fiction, reality from make belief, and the word of God from people's own personal opinions. But who do you say I am?
Following Christ or following you
I remember as a young boy I would gaze aimlessly outside when it rained. I felt like somewhere, someone was calling me, whom I was in love with, but I've never met. Crazy, huh! I could hardly supress that deep longing for love that resulted in me singing romantic love songs in the shower. I felt that one day someone would show up and I'll fall heads over heels.
“Love” - a sacrifice to endure to the end
This world is not short of romance films with fancy dinner dates, luxury hotels beside the beach and expensive trips all over the world. Yes! Not to mention the popular Disney phrase, ''And they lived happily ever after.” But I can’t help but wonder where is the love in all of this?
The “It's my life” generation
Imagine being told to put others above yourself! This generation is one that teaches self-love, self-will and don't get me started on all this talk about believing in yourself.
My brother's keeper
In the beginning of time when God made Adam, He saw that he was lonely and gave him a woman named Eve, as his wife (Genesis 2:18). In the beginning, we had family and God was the head. It was very clear that God didn’t want anyone to be alone but wanted everyone to be surrounded by people they love.
When I became a man
What sounds like a cliché to many is a phrase used by those who have had some form of life epiphany, has now become a hallmark for my life. “When I was a child, I spoke like a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things.” This comes from a very popular Bible verse found in 1st Corinthians 13:11.