I made a vision board for 2021 and beyond. And there are things I have on it that may not manifest this year, but the process needs to start this year. Looking at the vision board, I only see the goals I want to accomplish, there is no plan on the board as to how to accomplish these goals. So too I realize that I approach life, I set goals in place and at times a plan to complete them but then things take a different route.
Joseph’s dream
This reminds me of the story of Joseph in Genesis 37, where Joseph dreamed about his sheaves in the field and another dream about the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. Joseph was only 17 years old and had no idea what the dream meant. He thought it was just a harmless thing and enthusiastically told his brothers about the great dreams, in which he seemed to be in a leadership position. Being the youngest and favorite of his father, his brothers became even more jealous. They couldn’t change the fact that he was the favored child, but they weren’t going to bow down to him.
The dream was a foreshadow of God’s plan for Joseph, but there was no dream about how this plan was going to be fulfilled. Joseph was going to be in a leadership position and a position to prepare the grain for his entire family, but how will he get from Canaan to second in command of Egypt?
Sold into slavery
The journey started when his brothers planned to kill him but ended up selling him into slavery. While a slave – he was promoted to overseer of the house, but this was not the end of Joseph’s plight. He was then accused of rape, imprisoned, forgotten about while in prison and then after all of that, he was promoted to second in command of Egypt as a reward for interpreting a dream for Pharoah.
Joseph’s journey started with a dream and ended with a dream, but the last dream was interpreted by God. Throughout his journey, he connected with God in such a way that the same thing that took him away from his family, God was able to use to bring his family back to him.
Journey builds character
We often get a glimpse of what God has in stored for our future, but never the path we will take to get there.
If God should show us what it will require of us to get to the destination, we may back down because we don’t know our own strengths. I for one know that I would have given up if I’d foreseen the struggles I would have to endure on this journey. And even though the destination is necessary the journey is what builds character, it builds relationships, and it sows the seed needed for harvesting in the end.
As much as I despise the journey at times and wish for time travel superpowers – I understand the need. I have met so many wonderful people on my journey that I have been able to encourage and that have in tern encouraged me. I would have missed out of the relationships, the growth, and the chance to participate in building God’s Kingdom. The journey is greater than the destination because as I take each step, God is with me, and his daily presence is all I need.

Ashea West is a Doctor of Medicine, which she recently completed after studying in Grenada and New York. She is from Manchester, Jamaica and had left her hometown to chase her dreams in the medical field. She is passionate about sharing the gospel, using whatever opportunities she is given. “I do believe in blooming wherever I am transplanted”.