Too true, listen up folks, as a Minister of 43 years this was drummed into us as seminarians 43 years ago.
Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) theological teaching became known as The Kuyperian tradition which parted company with theological liberalism, pietism, and scholastic orthodoxy which they believed to involve false accommodations to the Enlightenment.
Kuyper clearly grasped and understood the New Testament's fundamental teachings which in theological speak are known 'as a package' as the Kurygma – although there is no connection with the names – Kurygma and Abraham Kuyper.
The Kurygma's essentials were much as follows: Jesus was born of a virgin, did not yield to temptation, lived a perfect life, was crucified for man's sin, rose again the third day as an assurance of our Salvation and will come again.
So why all this fuss about Abraham Kuyper and the Kurygma. Like most things, the word Kuyper cropped up in a theological article in Ethos magazine and I forwarded it to my adult children and my wife Delma. It was Delma who asked me about it.
The essentials
I found this teaching from South African Terrance Hanafey's Daily Bread Ministries which gives the essential of the fundamentals of historic Christianity. This is the basis of the Kurygma's call of evangelism to Salvation.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man,”Where are you” Genesis chapter 3 verses 8-9.
You will notice that the focus of the call by the Lord was upon Adam - the Lord still holds Adam accountable for his family and their spiritual well being. Adam was the head of the home and he alone would bear brunt of the conversation and the final outcome.
The Lord had made everything perfect for Adam and Eve and the only requirement asked of them was to follow the Lord in all His ways. Look around, nothing has changed much - man is still struggling today. However the one element God gave to us all is our free-will to choose from right and wrong.
The amazing fact is that Jesus is still calling out to those of us humans who dare to listen and He is saying loudly and clearly - Where are you? Jesus is saying - I am knocking at your heart’s door if anyone, hears my voice, and opens the door – I will have a relationship with him and he with Me (Revelation chapter 3 verse 20).
Photo - Cartia Moore speaking at the young writer conference last month
Terrance's Testimony
Jesus found me in 1967 on the beach of Durban - I distinctly and clearly heard His voice speak to me. At the time I had never heard such a sweet yet awesome and yet with great authority a voice as One who knew me extremely well - it is very difficult to find the right words to describe how the Lord's voice sounds-but one thing is for sure, when He speaks you will know without a shadow of a doubt that it is the Lord speaking to you.
I urge anyone with every fibre of my being do not procrastinate or disobey the Lord. Remember He loves you more than you actually love yourself – or a trillion times more than any other human being whether it is a family member or friend .
I am so very,very glad the Lord Jesus has had patience, huge amounts of compassion and mercy and forgiveness more than my words can tell towards me. I really and truly do not deserve His great love and incidentally neither do you. You cannot earn God’s love by trying to be good or make daily sacrifices to please God, or to gain His favour. It is so simple that even a small child can and does understand it.
Have you ever been given a gift? Well at a birthday or Christmas time? You have two choices – you either accept the gift or reject the gift. God’s gift to the human race is Jesus Christ – His only Son-and all you have to do is accept Jesus into your life – it is as easy as that.
We as humans because we consider ourselves highly intellectual, we expect a complication of instructions and commands and so many refuse to believe it is that simple and missed out on God’s plan of salvation.
Like Adam and Eve we all have stand before judgement one day - and give an account as to what we have done with the sacrifice of the Lord at Calvary - in other words Jesus actually died in our place and took upon Himself all our sins and sicknesses and deceases.
He then went back up to heaven and presented to God the Father His blood as an atonement for our sins - this sacrifice was accepted by God and now we all can and theoretically all should be going to heaven when we die. However like Adam and Eve had to personally give an account
If we have invited Jesus into our lives – we will be accepted into heaven - your sins and the consequences thereof have been forgiven because of the precious blood of Jesus. However if we have not accepted Christ into our lives - we stand in a very dangerous place and you will not be allowed access to heaven.
After Adam and Eve sinned the bible says “After He drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword of the Garden of Eden, flashing to and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.”
Sadly but true the same situation will apply to you and it will really grieve the heart of God to turn you away but the bible says clearly - You should not be surprised at my saying ”You must be born again!” John chapter 3 verse 7.
I hope and pray that you will unlike Adam and Eve – make the right choice and invite Jesus into your life.!

Prayer for Salvation
Lord Jesus,
I come to you right now – just as I am without one plea.
But that Your precious blood was shed 2000 years ago for me and I ask You please Lord to forgive me of my sins and wash me in Your precious blood.
I am truly sorry Lord for waiting this long but now I am ready and invite You into my life to become my Lord and my Saviour.
Write my name Lord in Your Lamb’s book if life and I promise You Lord that I will serve You all the days of my life.
I ask this humbly in the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Lord!
Based on the authority of God’s Word I can tell you with no fear of contradiction and say to you that you are now a child of the living God. If you had to die today –you would be accepted into heaven and Jesus has prepared a place for you(and your loved ones) in heaven.
Terrance Hafaney's 4 steps to grow as a believer.
1) Pray to your heavenly Father daily.
2) Read your bible daily starting from the gospel of St John.
3) Share this “good news” your personal testimony with everyone you want to see in heaven one day-that means everyone!
4) Go and find a church where you are loved and where you can grow and if you are talented let your talents be used for God (not yourself).
God bless you and make you a “fisher of men!”
Basis of the Kurygma
This is the basis of the Kurygma's call of evangelism to Salvation.

Dr Mark Tronson - a 4 min video
Chairman – Well-Being Australia
Baptist Minister 45 years
- 1984 - Australian cricket team chaplain 17 years (Ret)
- 2001 - Life After Cricket (18 years Ret)
- 2009 - Olympic Ministry Medal – presented by Carl Lewis
- 2019 - The Gutenberg - (ARPA Christian Media premier award)
Gutenberg video - 2min 14sec
Married to Delma for 45 years with 4 children and 6 grand children