Assumption of mass impurity and contagion is the basis upon which virtually all cult and ritual systems are built.
Impure and/or infectious individuals or groups must go through purification rites before resuming normal everyday activities. To facilitate this a priest class is created. This priest class, although just as human as their subjects, divide and distinguish themselves from the general populace through various and deliberate acts of theatre and grandstanding.
The priest class are given control over the dissemination and interpretation of divine text. They decide what information is open and what is secret. Usually ceremonial cleansing and/or healing of bodily disease is also placed under their control. Hence why societies elites during Jesus’s earthly ministry often took issue with how and where and when he performed healings. People can become so self-important by their office that they believe they have the right to dictate how a person is healed.
The priest class control governance, media, education, and health. They are these things. The continuance of the cult or ‘culture’ they preside over is dependent upon the population’s compliance, attention, indoctrination, and fearful dependence. One reason why mainstream media inevitably loses all objectivity. It is too important a tool for ‘them’ to not control.
Reminders of sin and impurity with seasonal repetition fortifies the Cult.
Cults like to link compliance to their ritual as means of keeping weather and pestilence in favourable check. You must please the gods. (Too often the priest class cannot tell the difference between their god’s desires and their own).
The populace must be persuaded that nature itself will destroy those who fail to adhere to its regulation and religious ritual and that the safety of all is dependent upon total subjection.
Weather must be kept in check by controlling you. Sound familiar? Humanity must be exorcised of our carbon emission demons or else.
Without speculating concerning those behind the source, Covid 19 is, I believe, both a biological and psychological weapon – it is being used to create a new ruling priest class and world-wide cult. The World Economic forum, United Nations and other various institutions make no apologies about riding the pandemic to create a new world. They are open about it.
The Great Reset. Build back better. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. These are their slogans.
It is a new cult of indulgences.
Virtue is granted to those who crusade to build the new temple from which their selected priesthood may dominate the world. Buy your ticket to utopia with a vaccine and a QR code. Pardon your elderly and weak relatives from their suspension in purgatory by indulging zealous missionaries of the New World Order. Burn at the stake those who wish to publish information that could cast doubt on the catholic covid faith.
Yes, there is a dangerous virus. Yes, people are dying. We are losing lives and freedom simultaneously. Most people do not think it is worth standing for a small freedom in the face of terror. But big freedom requires little freedoms to be respected.
During the dark ages Protestant Martyrs were burned at the stake for not confessing that the actual flesh and blood of Christ was present in the wafer and wine of the Eucharist. An interpretation may be not worth dying for. However, their deaths were not in vain. What was worth dying for was the freedom to receive, interpret and disseminate information and knowledge.
Those who kill for truth believe they own the power to create truth. Those who die for truth believe that truth has the power to create them.
The new cult surrounding Covid has its accepted priesthood of experts, and you dare not question their authority. Highly qualified people are now losing everything for disagreeing with the church of Covid. Scientists silenced. Doctors silenced. Professors silenced. Do not let anyone tell you it is just armchair experts spreading misinformation being censored. Some of the world’s most renowned experts in the fields of science and medicine are being discredited and cancelled every day. Cultural revolutions require a purging of the old class. The new cult is certainly not democratic. Look hard enough and you will find those behind the new order of things admit to it.
We are at the dawning of an advanced age of humanity, where inserting artificial intelligence into the human brain could potentially create a super race, yet we are still obsessed with burning witches and heretics. The darkness of the dark ages will always resurface when obsolete priesthoods are once more given power.
The cross of Christ is still the answer to all.
Christ has put an end to all human and earthly generated priesthoods once and for all.
Christ has ended all cult ritual and sacrifice.
Christ has removed the superstition that we must placate an angry God.
Christ has removed all walls of division. Jew or Gentile, male or female, slave or free, black, or white, vaccinated, or unvaccinated. There is no race or class in Christ.
Now is the time for Christians who will obey God over men.
The disciple who is commanded to heal the sick by the Master has no right to fear and avoid the sick.
The world lies under the sway of the wicked one. Do not be blown by the breeze. Be a witness for Christ and walk the narrow path.
Any Christian who chooses self-preservation over the demands of the cross has forsaken the Master.

Joshua Robbie is currently serving the Lord under Pastors Ronnie and Shirley Naidoo of KZN Celebration Centre in Tongaat South Africa. He and His wife Rene’ moved from Australia to South Africa in April 2016. Their desire is to help in whatever way they can so that the church can become all that God has purposed her to be. Josh is a painter by trade and also enjoys sports such as surfing, basketball and boxing. He has also written a book, now available for purchase on Amazon called: “Your Father sees: Living the sermon on the mount”.Josh Robbie previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/josh-robbie.html