I’ve been challenged with my understanding of greatness. During my last visit to New Zealand, I was able to receive wise counsel from one of my spiritual fathers in the faith. Pointing to the scriptures, he was able to invoke deep introspection in regard to the biblical definition of greatness.
Referencing Mark Chapter 10 Verses 35-45, he exposited on how Jesus doesn’t reject greatness, rather, He redefines it. Observing Jesus’ interactions with His disciples and us today, I think it’s interesting that He didn’t rebuke the disciples’ request to be great. Instead, He reveals that the path to greatness is by being a servant.
Mark, my spiritual father, went on to share that as a disciple, I need to follow Christ’s example of servant-leadership. He defined a servant as someone who has surrendered their personal rights to another: Christ. As I listened to Pastor Mark the Holy Spirit convicted me of my selfishness, blindness, and pride.
I realized that I had fallen into a “serve me” mentality.
Relearning to Serve
Hidden in the deep recesses of my heart the “me monster” had been cowering until the illuminating light of God’s word exposed him there. As I reflected on my personal life and ministry, I had forgotten that the path to greatness isn’t in the spotlight, but in the servant’s quarter.
As my heart was exposed and holy conviction flooded my thoughts, I prayed for forgiveness and the Holy Spirit’s help in this area of my heart. With a sober journal entry, I counted the cost of biblical greatness: death to self, servanthood, and a willing surrendering of my rights to Jesus and His word.
I’m encouraged that Jesus is my example in how this practically applies to my life. I see that Jesus was consistently about His Father’s business. I see how He preferred others even to the point of His death on the cross. This is my pattern to follow.
Though the price of greatness come with a huge cost, I’m learning that blessing the heart of God is worth my temporal suffering. As I die to myself, I experience true life in Him and in His ways. I’m experiencing a new found joy, peace, and intimacy with Jesus. As I serve Jesus and others, I’m finding His Spirit sustain, supply, and satisfy my inner hope.
Understanding that I have a long journey ahead, I beg that you would come and walk with me. We are all in need of a good heart and pride check. Together we can be great in His sight and in His kingdom. As we serve together, let’s encourage one another to continue in humility and lowliness.
Time is short and I have wasted too much of it serving myself. It’s time for me and the church to take up the servant’s towel and unconditionally serve as Jesus has served us. We owe Him our everything. Let’s start with a surrendering of our rights to His purposes. Let’s be great together.
Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO] Collective

Aaron Sabio lives in Oceanside LA, is a pastor at Calvary Chapel Vista in Southern California. He enjoys coffee, volleyball, and singing with his worship band, [REVO]Collective.