When we hear the word villain, the first thing that passes through our mind is a movie’s evil character who tries to jeopardize the hero. Indeed, that is what the movie industries show us. But, does the villain play an important role? Think about a movie, without the villain. The villain’s character usually defines the hero’s strength and power.
We do have villains in our lives. It can be in the form of a harsh work environment, unstable financial situation, a disease, betrayal of a friend or partner or our inner fears. As stated before, the villain will define our strength. When we overcome it, we will never be the same.
In the book of Daniel chapter 1, verses 1-21, Daniel was taken from his homeland, when he was very young, to work in an enemy’s empire. He went through many difficult situations in a stranger’s land. In the end, Daniel came out stronger, more intelligent, and with the ability to interpret dreams and visions. Therefore, the villain will always be present in our lives. We just need to have faith in God to overcome the battle, just like Daniel.
Moreover, the history of David and Goliath, shows us how a simple character becomes a hero. David was the youngest son. While his older brothers went to battle, David kept herding sheep as he could not go together with them due to his fragile physical appearance.
However, when the opportunity arose, David was filled with courage and faith, advancing to the battlefield without the usual weaponry - “David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So, he took them off” (1 Samuel chapter 17, verse 39). With a stone, he defeats Goliath – “So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him” (1 Samuel chapter 17, verse 50).
We can be sure that we will always face some battle in our lives. In some circumstances, perhaps like David, we need to put aside the usual, old habits, thoughts or even ways in order to defeat the villain. Certainly, the situation will transform us to be better versions of ourselves, aligning our personalities with God's purpose in our lives.
Liliana Ferrão is from Mozambique, currently living and studying in Queensland at James Cook University. lilianaferrao4@hotmail.com

Liliana Ferrão is from Mozambique, currently living and studying in Queensland at James Cook University. lilianaferrao4@hotmail.com