Liliana Ferrão
Press Service International

Liliana Ferrão is from Mozambique, currently living and studying in Queensland at James Cook University.
The villain
When we hear the word villain, the first thing that passes through our mind is a movie’s evil character who tries to jeopardize the hero.
Are you being a dramatic?
Are you a dramatic person? The one who complains about everything for nothing, the one who always think that is the victim or life is against in your favour? If so, then you are certainly a dramatic one, from whom the people around by, cannot bear to hear your cinematic entanglements anymore.
Is That True Love?
Why in many relationships, when there is a rejection, deception, it’s always had a place of painful pain? Is that because we love so much the other person? Probably not, maybe it’s because we were so focus on ourselves, that we never imagine it can happen.
Vulnerability-the way to show God’s power- Part II
Genesis Chapter 37 Verses 23-24 So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe, the ornate robe he was wearing, and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it.
Vulnerability-the way to show God’s power- Part I
2 Corinthians 11 30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
Giving with love
Some secular writers define love, as the most potent force in the world. As believers we should see love as the perfect way to do the purpose for which we are born to fulfilment, in other words, is the commandment that Jesus left us.