Since I have gotten older, more mature I have become very selective in the groups I become involved but more importantly with choosing leadership roles. I sometimes find myself reminiscing on my earlier years of leadership, trying to decipher if my zealous, full of energy and passionate younger self led anyone astray. How do individuals rush to positions of leadership when the responsibility of such a role brings with it so many consequences, especially, if the individual is not keen on being a ‘good’ or ‘godly’ leader?
The Importance of Leadership
All around the world, we are seeing democracies crumble, with riots and protests against leaders who they believe have handled the affairs of their countries without care creating struggling economies. We are seeing more leaders who have mishandled public funds, supported corruption or have disregarded the pleas and needs of their people.
We know what good leadership is, because men like Nelson Mandela and Jesus have taught us that it is more about service than it is individual promotion. And we know what bad leadership is because we see what happens to people when their leaders disregard their duty and seek after their own gratification rather than the common good of those they lead.
So we can agree that leadership is important and even more so, leadership is necessary.
Kings both chosen by GOD
Two leaders that come to mind are King Saul and King David. Their leadership is documented in the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel.
God lead the children of Israel for years until they got jealous and demanded a King of their own. 1 Samuel chapter 1 verses 6- 8, “But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.” It was then God chose Saul to be their King.
Saul then disobeyed God and God chose David, the son of Jesse, to be King over Israel.
None of these men were perfect, their leadership as Kings were both rigged with disobedience and bloodshed. They both enjoyed the wealth of the land and had the loyalty of the Israelites for the duration of their leadership. They both had to be reprimanded by prophets for decisions made that displeased the Lord, yet, they were both called – chosen by God to lead as KING of Israel.
So why reject one leader for another?
What differentiates your Leadership?
Reviewing the lives of these two Kings clearly what distinguished David’s leadership from Saul was his heart – his heart for God and his heart for people.
“And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will,” Acts chapter 13 verse 22. Examination of David’s leadershipmade clearer my understanding of why God would have made such a statement and chosen David.
Although King Saul and King David had similar enemies and they were held responsible for following God’s instructions as they led the Israelites, David’s integrity, desire and fear for God makes him stand out as a man above men.
“Behold, this day thine eyes have seen how that the Lord had delivered thee to day into mine hand in the cave: and some bade me kill thee: but mine eye spared thee; and I said, I will not put forth mine hand against my lord; for he is the Lord's anointed” 1 Samuel chapter 24 verse 10
Even amidst Saul’s continuous pursuit to kill him, David, even when he had the advantage as we read would not lay a finger on Saul because he was anointed by God.
After Saul’s death David sought to honour him by taking care of his family.
David’s care for people, his loyalty as a human, but more importantly his heart for GOD characterizes his leadership. He desired the presence of God and wanted desperately to house the Ark of the Covenant in a proper place and not just in a tent. Before battles he sought the Lord to know if he were to go up against his enemies. He was just and took responsibility for his actions- even the ones where he sinned against God and ruined the lives of those he lead.
Many of our leaders, and I dare say it, even in our churches, seek power not for the benefit of those they lead but for the benefit of staying in power which comes with its own perks at the demise of those they have authority over.
But God seeks leaders with David’s heart.
Leadership - 2021 & Beyond
Now more than ever – we need Godly men and woman, with a mandate from heaven, to speak up for what is just, what is moral and what is beneficial for the generations now and the generations to come.
If you desire leadership – you must be subject and surrendered to GOD.
This type of leadership is not characterized by platforms or an expansive audience. This type of leadership is specific to individuals and the God given mandate we each have been given.
We are to personify the principles and truths of the word of God as we seek daily to be like Christ.
Leadership of this nature is what should characterize our homes, our churches, our schools, our workplaces and our countries. Mothers and fathers, wives and husbands must lead within their homes. Pastors and elders must feed and spiritually guide and care for the needs of their congregation. Politicians and heads of states must plan, implement and provide for their nations and their nations’ future children - All under God.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs chapter 29 verse 2.
The mantle is heavy because it requires each individual to commit to Godly impact within their sphere of influence. But if we are surrendered to God, all things are possible.
Dacia Miller from Jamaica, West Indies is a wife, mother and trained communicator who enjoys dancing. She is involved in youth ministry and loves to see lives transformed.