Are you old enough to remember the film Three Amigos?
If you aren't it was a 1986 film starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Martin Short. The basic synopsis is three American actors accept an invitation to a Mexican village to perform their on-screen bandit fighter roles, unaware that it is the real thing.
I thought of them this movie recently as a third Canadian Pastor was arrested for keeping their church open. As the three amigos never thought they would ever actually risk their lives to save someone, I doubt Tim Stephens, Artur Pawlowski, James Coates ever thought they would go to jail for holding a church service.
All three Pastors believe the orders to close their churches goes against their Canadian Charter rights, (man’s law) and the Bible (God's law). There is no doubt in my mind that they believe what they say they do, their willingness to get arrested, go to jail and fight it in the courts shows this. For Australians keep following Melbourne Pastor Paul Furlong he has already had multiple dealings with the Victorian Police and his family I’m sure would appreciate your prayers.
Watching episode 5 of the second season of The Chosen recently and their depiction of the example John the Baptist set resonates loud and clear. During the episode he says to Jesus “I know I'm doing the right thing when I get arrested”.
In all these examples from the fictitious, to the real historical and present day examples we can find varied examples of living out what we believe regardless of the cost to our life.
As the state of Victoria in Australia has gone into another lock down churches have again closed their doors. The government continues to not provide the public to whom they are meant to serve the information they have used to make this decision.
Where ever you are reading this from please pray for those suffering from tyrannical governments.
I wish I could say I was this passionate about the persecution in countries like China and Iran before western countries started resembling them but I wasn't. I can say when the people in western countries are victorious over the evil that is trying to gain the upper hand, I won't stop. I pledge to you I won't be as complacent in my comfortable world as I was previously. Are you willing to pledge the same?
Once we have triumphed will you continue the fight to help those not in your neighbourhood? Or will you be too battle fatigued and give up? As much as there are things we can and must do in the natural, don't forget this is also a spiritual battle. Don't forget to pray. Spend time away from all distractions communicating with your creator. Mediate in his word and draw strength from a closer relationship with him. Then help encourage others.
The Three Amigos put their lives on the line when they were faced with doing so, or living the rest of their lives knowing they didn’t. John the Baptist knew he was risking jail time every time he spoke out against what was happening that wasn’t according to God’s plan. Three Pastors so far have been arrested in Canada for standing up to their government.
How many Christians around the world every day are persecuted for their faith that we don’t hear about? If we don’t fight to retain our freedom of speech in countries where we have taken the ability to speak out against evil for granted then who will fight for those in even more dire situations?
I used this in one of my last articles for 2020. I re share it again now:
“First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me”
Martin Niemöller
I thought that was the end of this article I usually end them with a quote but alas I’ve just learned of another Canadian Pastor who as I write is in hiding after a warrant for his arrest was issued.
Tobias Tissen a Pastor from Manitoba, Canada has been quoted as saying
“History is repeating itself with our religious freedoms under continued assault. My parents faced persecution in Germany for homeschooling their children because they wanted to protect us from the 'political agenda' of public schooling. That is what pushed them to move to Canada. If I go back further in my lineage, I have ancestors who were persecuted, jailed and in some instances killed under the tyranny of the Soviet Union for their devotion to Christianity. They took a stand for their religion, and now I find history is repeating itself."
This is what I find most concerning; that it only requires a little study of history to see where this could be leading too..
Let me leave you this month with this encouragement from Tobias.
"As Christians and as Canadians, we pray and intercede to God for help and protection. And when that is lost, I want you to be assured that God will not let them destroy his church. We need to stand together and be there for each other. Unity will get us through these times with our heads held high and in unwavering devotion to our values and each other.”

Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit http://nevillehiatt.com.
He also blogs for http://altcoincollege.com/covering the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.