As a believer, I went through seasons of purging, as God was pruning my character, attitude and behaviour to be more like him. What does this look like?
The Start
Before I had experienced Salvation in Jesus Christ, I had a lot of character, attitude and behavioural problems. I was a very negative person. I didn't really like people or myself. I didn't like being told what to do. I didn't like authority. I was very angry, swore a lot, watched porn like it was nothing, engaged in constant arguments and fights, drank alcohol and consumed drugs, and overall, lived a selfish life that was all about me.
This was what God had to work with, and I used to ask why me? I don't deserve this. That was where I just had to accept his grace. During this process God started working on all my negative ways.
The Purge
The first thing God did was get me into Christian-based rehabilitation programme where I chose to start working on all my behavioural problems. I lived with twenty people, so I was around people all day who would keep me accountable with my negative behaviours.
In the rehab, we were always told that "iron sharpens iron" and it was so true. Who is better to pull you up on your negative behaviours then people that have had those behaviours themselves. God was sharpening me through other people and it was painful.
Hebrews chapter 12 verse 6 NIV
"My Son do not make light of the Lords discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son."
I hated the pruning at the time but now I look back and I wouldn't change anything. God loved me so much that he wouldn't leave me where I was. He wouldn't leave me in negativity, depression, hatred, disobedience. He has taught me so much through these trials; things that I would never have learned on my own.
I learnt how to deal with my anger without aggression. I learnt the basics in submitting to authority. I stopped swearing and slowly started to be more positive towards people and myself. My whole outlook on life changed because of the hope Jesus was giving me.
God's love is so deep that no-one will ever understand it, He is changing me from the inside out and I can't thank him enough for that. He saved my life and gave me a reason to live. It blows my mind that he does this for all his people whom he loves. A God so incomprehensible that he is working in the hearts of all his people that have lived, are living, and will live. Words can't describe how big God really is or how much he really loves us.
The Now
I will never be perfect. I still sin and still make mistakes. But God forgives and for some reason that I do not know, he still chooses to work through a sinner like me. Right now, God has me serving in a Christian based rehabilitation program with 14 men.
I get to speak into their lives and help them in their journey, just as God's people did for me. These are the sort of things that God does because he is Love and if he can work in me, he can work in you too!
Shane Rowney is currently living on the Gold Coast serving in a local church. He enjoys surfing, gym and music but most of all spending time with the Lord.
Shane Rowney is currently living on the Gold Coast attending a local church. He enjoys surfing, gym and music but most of all spending time with his Father.