Letting go isn’t easy but sometimes it is for our own good. I once thought that letting go is defeat and a sign of lack of faith in Jesus but I realized that holding on to something that’s meant to go would only cause heartaches, confusions and bad cycles in life. I learned that both holding on and letting go are all part of the faith walk. And sometimes God wants us to be willing to let go just as our willingness to hold on. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 6 says there is a “A time to keep, and a time to cast away…”
Thinking about letting go, the Holy Spirit led me to the situation of the Apostle Paul and Barnabas who were fellow workers in advancing the Kingdom of God. Such a strong disagreement came between them that they decided to separate (see Acts chapter 15 verses 36-39). Because the Apostle Paul decided to let go of Barnabas, the work of God continued and until today we read his powerful letters to the Churches. Many times, the enemy deceives us and hinders the work of God by keeping what’s meant to go.
What are some of the things that we are faced to let go at some point in our lives?
1. People
I realized that people are hardest to let go. They are like treasures you discover in the vast ocean when suddenly, a shift of your season is requiring you to let go of some people. I read from Marcus Stanley’s post, “The painful truth is this, sometimes when God is taking you to your next chapter in life some people can’t go with you anymore. No matter how much you want them to be with you, their season in your life is over.” Most of the time there is growth, realizations and breakthrough in every area of life when God asks you to let someone go.
2. Material Possessions/Money
Sometimes, there are clothes we have been keeping in the closet for years that we don’t even use. There are also extra home appliances that we keep in the cabinet until they’re no longer useable. In the Kingdom of God, I learned that these extra things we keep are meant to be given away in order for the blessings of God to continuously flow. Of course, money! God uses it to reveal the state of our heart when it comes to giving. Some cash in our wallets needs to go when GOD says so! Believe me, something great is coming when He tells you to bless!
3. Issues of the heart
Bitterness, offenses, hurts, and brokenness are some of the issues that we keep in our heart. Usually, people are not even aware they are holding on to such things until it is slowly taking away their rest and sleep, their health, relationships, and peace of mind. God wants us to let go of these things especially that the hurting are the ones who are imprisoned rather than the one who caused the misery and pain in our lives.
4. Time
Sometimes, we want to execute plans in our own pace and timing to have control but when the time is not yet right, we know it because nothing is in our favor no matter what. We must let go of our timeline when this happens; otherwise, we will reap the consequences of our decisions that are not supposed to happen yet. God knows when we are prepared and ready that's why He has timings. Joseph had to undergo hardships before attaining leadership in Egypt in order to prepare him for the position. David had to battle and worship God in the caves before he became king of Israel so his heart would continuously seek after God even when he is already in the palace.
5. Mindset
When our mind is settled, we fall into making things traditional or a practice, then, we sometimes fail to see the new things God is doing in the current. This reminded me of the Pharisees who failed to realize what God had birthed at that moment for they were stuck in the days of the past. They couldn't see the move of God through Jesus Christ for they had something else in mind. For us to see what God is doing in the moment, we must be willing to let go of the things we’re used to in the past and be open to the moves of His Spirit (see Matthew chapter 9 verse 17).
6. Control
People want to be in control of their lives making sure that everything goes according to their plan. But to let go of control especially when things get messy and aren't going right is to finally let God take over and be the Driver.
Letting go is a beautiful surrender before the LORD that sets us free from what is pulling us back and locked up.
What is God asking you to let go in this season of your life?
I thank You Father that You are now in charge of the things we surrender and let go in our lives. We are in good hands. Thank You for the breakthrough, security and freedom in Jesus’ name.

Lovely Lao is a Sunday school teacher and is involved in children’s ministry at a local church. She is a passionate lover of God and people, especially children. Jesus is her ultimate joy and excitement in life and she is hungry to know and learn more about him. She is also married to a youth pastor who is a man after God’s heart.
Lovely Lao’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/lovely-salcedo.html