When we come to the end of our lives what will we leave behind, what sort of an imprint will we leave on the world around us? Before I came into a relationship with Jesus I didn’t think about the sort of legacy I would be leaving behind, I am now though and I pose the same question to you.
“When the ink drys, all is said and done, what will you leave behind?”
As Christians, our lives look different from those of the world and the legacy we leave will be different as well. The legacy we leave hopefully glorifies God and not ourselves. When I think of the saints of old I am blown away at what God did through them. They walked in communion with God and their legacy continues to glorify Him today.
Whenever we read about what God did through them we are reading about their legacy. Legacy’s left in history for us to see what a life lived in intimacy with God can look like…What will your legacy be?
“A life of intimacy will echo through eternity”
Look at the life of Peter, he was a fisherman, society’s nobody who became somebody in the kingdom. His relationship with God changed his life which changed the lives of those around him leaving a legacy to be remembered.
Even today we have hidden Peter’s, hidden Peter’s doing the jobs nobody wants to do, society’s nobody who will rise like Peter did to become great in the Kingdom. The time will come when Jesus will get on their boat and say “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matt chapter 4 verse 19.
Maybe you’re a hidden Peter and I want to tell you that there will come a day when the Lord calls you into deeper water. He will ask you to cast your nets out when you think there is no point, you’ve tried before and caught nothing. This time will be different you will reap a harvest you thought was impossible. Be faithful with what you have been given now catching one or two fish here and there and wait until he calls you out into that deeper water. Stay the course!!
Look at the life of the martyr Stephen, He was called to serve tables where daily he would provide bread for the poor and widows. So he would be serving people faithfully every day and Acts chapter 6 verse 8 says “He was full of faith and power and did great wonders and miracles among the people”. Like Stephen, we have the opportunity to serve and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This man spoke nothing but the truth, he was full of wisdom from God. Synagogue leaders tried to dispute with him to no avail, they could not resist the wisdom God had given him so they accused him of blasphemy. He was dragged before the council where he was falsely accused and his face shown like that of an angel. He did not stop there he bravely testified to the truth which cut the hearers to the heart and filled them with hatred so they dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death. Before he died he asked the Lord not to lay this sin against them. What love, what grace, what a life, what a legacy.
That’s where his story ended but his legacy remains. After he was martyred persecution broke out in Jerusalem which led to believers being scattered throughout the region preaching the gospel wherever they went. What the enemy planed for evil God used for good, Stephens death helped spread the gospel. Like Stephen, we might not no the results of what we do in this life but rest assured if you walk in faithful obedience to what He is asking you to do there will be results in his Kingdom.
You and me
I know I have talked about a couple of saints who have left a huge legacy and it can be intimidating. When we see their legacy’s as encouragement it pushes us to want more. We have the same Holy Spirit and he wants to do great exploits through you in his timing. Your life will make an impact, keep dreaming, keep reaching for more and keep serving with what God has given you now.
What will our legacy be?
Shane Rowney is currently living on the Gold Coast attending a local church. He enjoys surfing, gym, and music but most of all spending time with his Father.

Shane Rowney is currently living on the Gold Coast attending a local church. He enjoys surfing, gym and music but most of all spending time with his Father.