We live in a generation where people are somewhat hungry for the truth. With so many perceived truths and not to mention the great increase in knowledge, its even harder to separate fact from fiction, reality from make belief, and the word of God from people's own personal opinions. But who do you say I am?
In biblical days, many people were confused about the person of Jesus, with many labelling Him as just another prophet (Matthew chapter 16, verses 13-16). Today there are different versions of Jesus as evident in the many denominations, and in some cases , no Jesus at all, but a dead dusty old book. These denominations spend majority of their time quarrelling amongst themselves about doctrinal differences than they spend seeking out lost souls.
It is not news that our world is dying morally, and that these laws that came about 2000+ years ago is key to us saving our dying decaying population whose sees murder as justice and pain and destruction as hobbies. We have so many religions who claim to be the way but in each religion, the path seems next to impossible to reach these so called “gods” but only Jesus made himself reachable to even the most common man.
Fact from fiction
Every day, large volumes of knowledge is being pumped into the human psyche, with every piece of information increasing in stupidity as the number of years. The real truth is being kept hidden or often times regarded as crackpot theories by this scholarly world of super intelligent fools. Yes, I said it. Someone had to!
Jesus himself chose what was foolish to the world to shame the wise (1 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 27). The greatest truths are considered foolish in a generation that cares more about what Kim Kardashian wore to the Oscars, than finding the significance of their existence on this small pile of dirt floating in the middle of nowhere. Knowledge is at an all time high even in the church. Never before have we had this 3D picture of who Jesus truly was, but like 2000+ years ago, people still treat him like he was just a prophet.
Dusty old book
I am not the one to argue about theology because I think, like all biblical debates, that won’t go anywhere. The laws of Moses were harsh and cold with no life, even Moses himself got tired of them when he cast them to the ground (Exodus chapter 32, verse 19). He got tired of people wanting rules for everything but not a relationship with God. In the end, they created God in the form of a golden calf, as dead and lifeless as the rules they lived by.
Jesus broke all the rules and set us free from an old dead rule book. I mean, this world is not short of rules, and rules and guidelines can never set people free. They only create more bondage. Jesus came to give us life (John chapter 10, verse 10) but mankind, like they always do, have to do what they do best, make things really complicated.
I am sick of rules. My life is already regimented by a system that tells me when to wake up, when to go to bed, what to eat, what to do and what to think. The last thing this world needs is more rules.
Religion vs relationship
We often hear people go on and on about how religion is one of the main sources of war and conflict in the world, and to be honest, I agree. World history is saturated with stories of people being tortured with the most inhumane barbarous acts in an effort to get people to subject themselves to their religion. Jesus showed us that no peace can be built from war and conflict and he often spoke of loving our enemies and doing good to those who hurt us.
In the history of religion, never had anyone chattered the walls of religion and transformed it into a relationship centered on love and making the world a better place for the good of all with no private agendas. Jesus throughout His life made it known what His agenda was, which was to testify of the nature of God but eventually, people corrupted it with their own evil.
Man through religion made God unreachable but Jesus through his love, sacrifice and humility turned the tides on the regime of this fallen world. “Who do you say I am.” Jesus was no mere man. No mere man is capable of the love demonstrated on the cross, and to love the same people that caused your blood to splatter on the floor.
Jesus through his life showed us the persona of God in an era of godlessness and selflessness. He showed kindness, patience, meekness and understanding that separated him from the evil of what we know as mankind, and in this era, has taken the world out of much darkness and evil. Jesus made it clear that following rules were not important as compared to following Him (Matthew chapter 4, verse 19). He asks us to put down our evil desires and take on His love and to be like Him. He said that He is the light in the darkness (John chapter 8, verse 12).
My name is Marko Dewar, I am a 27 years old from Kingston, Jamaica that just recently moved to Chicago, IL. I am an aspiring author, mentor, and life coach. I received Jesus in 2017 and I have made a commitment to live only for Him. I became a young writer with Christian Today through recommendation from Darren Salmon.

My name is Marko Dewar. I am a 27yrs old from Kingston, Jamaica that just recently moved to Chicago, IL. I am an aspiring author, mentor, and life coach. I received Jesus in 2017 and I have made a commitment to live only for Him. I became a young writer with Christian Today through recommendation from Darren Salmon.