“Life was filled with guns and war
And everyone got trampled on the floor
I wish we'd all been ready
Children died, the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready”
Larry Norman.
1936, 1984, 2020, 2540
Here is my pitch for a movie plot.
The year is 2020. The opening credits show a vibrant thriving democratic society.
Michael a chef in his late 30’s and Sarah a Masseuse in her early 40’s both move back into their parents house after losing their jobs. Losing their jobs isn’t quiet correct, the government said it was no longer legal for them to work.
Two weeks after moving back into their childhood rooms they are quickly going stir crazy. Their once free society now resembles a police state. Only allowed out of their house during daylight hours to buy groceries or for medical appointments.
They decide one day to start filling in their days by watching some old video tapes that were collecting dust long before they left home. After watching a few McGee and Me videos they start watching the four movie series starting with A Thief in the Night.
Their father Ken walks into the room a couple of hours later just in time to hear the news anchor saying that anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated before the end of the month will not be able to buy groceries.
Ken: “I don’t remember that part of the movie”
Michael: “That’s not the movie dad it’s the late night news.”
Ken: “Marg get in here.”
The news continues “Anyone not vaccinated caught out of their homes will be detained for a month in a health camp and their entire households payments will be cancelled during that time.”
Marg: “I don’t remember that part of the movie”
A very sullen Ken: “Thats not the movie hun, it’s the late night news.”
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As I watched, A Thief in the Night, A Distant Thunder, Image of the Beast, The Prodigal Planet as a child even with my limited exposure to the world I didn’t believe I’d ever see the day where the events depicted in the movies were reality.
When I wrote The Power of Words and An Open Letter to Residents of Earth for 2019 a little over a year ago I never would have believed how quickly we would get so much closer to the fictional versions of 1984 and 2540.
Lets ponder a few other ideas that could happen in the movie:
- A journalist get shouted at by a police officer that they are killing people while doing their job filming someone from a safe distance.
- Parents get told by a police officer they aren’t allowed to play in their own front yard with their child.
- 9 years of someone’s work is deleted from the internet due to one interview they recently did.
- Doctors risking their career asking questions about what is happening, have their interview deleted from youtube.
- Shooting deaths are ruled as Covid19.
- Hospitals pay doctors more if they write covid19 on someone’s death certificate even if they haven’t been tested for it.
- Churches are closed. They start streaming services online. The companies running the streaming services start banning accounts that they say violate their terms of service. They can change their terms of service at any time.
- Pastors are arrested and charged for holding services upholding their constitutional right to do so.
- Governments now knowing everything anyone does online start arresting people who they claim are breaking the latest laws they just introduced.
- Brave citizens who refuse to get the vaccination start risking their lives holding public protests about the unconstitutional laws being introduced.
- People that who previously funded the research into developing diseases are now the same people who are advising the government into how to control the pandemic.
- The media reports whatever they are told to . They no longer do the independent research journalists used to do.
- Children under the age of 4 are being taught masturbation by the same health organisation that is telling everyone physical distancing is for their health.
- The projected death toll ends up being a minute percentage of what we were told. Especially when compared to previous yearly death rates for illnesses that we don’t go into lockdown over.
- The suicide toll from the lockdown skyrockets.
- Government officials recommend people wear a badge publicly displaying if they have been vaccinated.
If I’d pitched the above movie plot last year would it have been dismissed as not believable?
I may not have been around in 1936 but I did learn a little bit of history at school. The more I research what is currently going on around the globe, the more I’m left wondering how long will it be before we reach the point of no return? Is this all about a virus or are there other things happening? Are all these doctors wrong?
Hopefully by the time this gets published people are allowed to provide for them selves again. Hopefully by the time you are reading this you are no longer living in fear regardless of what is happening. The further this develops the more surreal it feels.
Let me leave you this month with some hope:
Next Month: Hugs Save Lives