Cheryl McGrath
Press Service International

Cheryl McGrath is a communications professional with a background in editing and publishing. She works as a copywriter and lives in Melbourne.
You can follow her blog on Christian issues, creativity and culture at Twenty-Six Letters.
Cheryl McGrath's previous articles may be viewed at
Friendship, the least talked about relationship in the church (PSI Young Writers Best of 2018)
When was the last time you heard a sermon about friendship?
The truth about Christians who sexually harass and assault
It was years ago. But it’s hard to forget the time you had to tell your team leader that you are experiencing sexual harassment.
The trouble with ‘Sunday School answers’: When the church is anti-intellectual
There’s a mass exodus happening across the Western church, and anti-intellectualism could be to blame.
Are we really allowed to be angry at God?
“I’m trying not to be angry at God.”
Why Certainty can be Dangerous for Faith
“I don’t know." They’re three tiny words, but in our culture, they are strangely divisive.
The persecution complex of evangelicals
Tradition, politics and other beliefs we add to the Bible
C.S. Lewis points out in his intriguingly disturbing book, The Screwtape Letters, how easily neutral beliefs can be integrated into our faith. Patriotism and pacifism aren’t the only examples where this happens. Well-meaning Christians can easily fall into the trap of allowing personal beliefs – other than God’s Word – to become an absolute truth that they think is essential to being a Christian.
I’m glad I doubt. Here’s why
My generation talks about doubt a lot. It’s not surprising.
Christian jargon (and why it’s a problem)
My first weeks at university were spent in mild panic. I wasn’t a bad student, but somehow, I couldn’t understand half of my lectures.
The making of a Pharisee
Any Sunday school kid knows that the Pharisees are the bad guys.