Jackson B. Laninga
Press Services International

Jackson Laninga is a student at Auckland University of Technology. He grew up in Arizona, but moved to New Zealand to study communications.
Church and State
With the church and state separated, there is a stigma regarding how involved Christians should be in politics.
Facing the sharks
A couple years ago I discovered this show called Shark Tank and loved it immediately. I forgot about it ever since but just recently stumbled across a YouTube video that was a segment from the show. I decided to watch a couple of episodes and realized once again how much I enjoy the show.
Being passionate for Christ
I remember watching a video of a pastor talking about what a relationship with God should look like. His argument, dumbed down, was that a relationship with God should look like somebody who loves God and has a burning passion to follow God all moments of their life.
A conversation with my old friends
Before moving to New Zealand last year, my days would consist of going to school, hanging out with friends outside of school, and other small things here and there. This group of friends I had were gathered over my middle school and beginning of high school days.
Jordan Peterson’s impact on my life
About a year ago I discovered a group that goes by the name IDW (Intellectual Dark Web). The IDW includes people like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, and others.
Forgive others… but what is forgiveness?
Having the mindset of forgiving others is not easy as it goes against most natural instincts. With this said, even the mere concept of forgiveness terrifies me.
Christians and Political Affiliations
With the church and state separated, there is a stigma regarding how involved Christians should be in politics.