Phil Hall
Press Service International

Phillip Hall has been too long in Melbourne to see AFL in the same light as those back in Fremantle. East Fremantle born and bred, he would love to see the Dockers back in the eight. But would settle for just beating West Coast twice a year.
AFL Review Round Four 2023
Four Rounds in and its a new year with a new look. St. Kilda is up, Geelong is down, a bit. Hawthorn are working out the new plan, Collingwood is sticking to theirs.
Cherish A Sons First Wicket
It is the Sunday of the second week of cricket finals. Both first and second teams from your club are fighting for a place in the Grand Final. And you wake up with a nasty chest cold coughing up phlegm.
Is the song Jerusalem Heresy?
If you are not English and attend the cricket you will have heard the travelling English fans sing a song. This song is called Jerusalem. It is a defacto English national anthem of sorts. Possibly you heard it through an episode of Mr. Bean? Four Weddings and a Funeral? Maybe youtube it or just read the lyrics that follow.
Where’s Novak? Winning!
Were you watching the Tennis? Well, the new Mens Doubles winners were Australian. Last years Mens Doubles winners were home grown too. Kokkinakis and Kyrios, they got bundled out early. Hijikata and Kubler they won the final 6-4, 7-6.
Selfless Devotion: Walking from MCG-SCG
How long have you walked for? A day? A couple of hours?
World Cup 2022: Destiny Achieved
Futbol, THE World Game, has an amazing ability for matches to never be won, until they are. This match looked for all watching to be won by Argentina 2-0. Nope.
Eschatology and Anime
One Piece. the Manga that has out published the Bible. This year a One Piece Film Red was released. Like the Bible, Film Red is connected to dark and disturbing motifs. What kind of motifs? To be honest, Apocalyptic death cults.
Messi’s World Cup Destiny?
When asked about the 2022 World Cup Argentinian Fans have had the same reply “It’s Messi’s World Cup.” There is hardly a mention of the nation, just the one man who deserves to win it. Now the final game sits there on the horizon and Lionel Messi is almost there. Almost.
I Like This: Untitled (Red) 1956 MARK ROTHKO
When I go to the National Gallery of Victoria the paining I MUST see is Mark Rothko’s Red. When I go to the NGV I often end up in contemplation before Rothko’s Red.
2022 T20 World Cup: A few thoughts
Did most Australian cricket fans decide not to turn up to the T20 World Cup? Yes the many local Indian and Pakistani supporters totally turned up to their games. However, for an international tournament the turnout at Australian games was kind of low.