Cindy Cheng

Press Service International

Cindy Cheng was born and brought up in central China. Cindy enjoys travelling and reading history books. Cindy is inspired by talking with local people when travelling abroad experiencing different parts of the world, as well as herself.

Cindy’s previous articles may be found at

  • An unexpected fire

    “The residential building in front of our apartment was on fire. I was about to run out in case it spread to our apartment. Do you have anything valuable that I could grab for you?” My roommate called when I was on my way back from our annual church retreat.

  • A better hometown

    I went to Hong Kong and visited some friends at the end of March. My friends, who were originally from mainland China, have been working there for nearly five years.

  • A new job opportunity

    A friend introduced a working opportunity in Amazon to me in the middle of March. After three rounds of interviews, I got the offer a week ago and would like to record some of my reflections in applying this job.

  • The core relationship

    According to the six degrees of separation theory, we could connect with people from all over the world through six people. The fact is that we are in various relationships with different people throughout our whole life.

  • Love matters

    Last month, I visited the memorial hall of Nanjing massacre which is established to memorize 300,000 Chinese victims who were killed by Japanese invaders in between 1937 and 1938.

  • How were you last year?

    We tend to look back and reflect on last year when it comes to the new year. You may have asked yourself some of the following questions: Did you achieve what had been planned in the beginning of the year? Did you make full use of the time? Was there more regret than joy?

  • A heart of stone and a heart of flesh

    I have been reading Lu Xun’s article in recent months. Lu is a contemporary Chinese author in early 1900s, whose articles are dubbed as “spear and dagger”.

  • A dustbin and Christian life

    When I was travelling in Cambodia, I found that almost every family owns at least one hammock. Given the pleasant weather and lovely natural scenery there, a nap in the hammock could be truly relaxing.

  • It is Not about You

  • Honour God with what He Gives Us

    Last Sunday afternoon, I was told that someone in church donated $150 to me. I was astonished at the very beginning and didn’t believe that the money was for me. After further confirmation with the church, I was assured that the donation was for me and I ought to accept it according to church tradition.