Lovely Lao
Pres Service International Columnist

Lovely Lao is a Sunday school teacher and is involved in children’s ministry at a local church. She is a passionate lover of God and people, especially children. Jesus is her ultimate joy and excitement in life and she is hungry to know and learn more about him. She is also married to a youth pastor who is a man after God’s heart.
Lovely Lao’s previous articles may be viewed at
God speaks in many ways
In the process of making this article, it seemed I couldn’t finish it, like there was a missing piece. I couldn’t figure out what it was and so I had to pass this one as I “wrestled” with God for the content.
Feeling useless and unfruitful?
Have you ever felt useless and unfruitful in the Kingdom of God especially these times of pandemic?
Mephibosheth, Nightbirde, and your hope
This particular character in the Bible (you can read his story in 2 Samuel chapter 4 verse 4 and 2 Samuel chapter 9) truly touched my heart the first time I have read about him.
7 things the Holy Spirit teaches in the wilderness
Wilderness is a place where trials, temptations, difficulties and testing come and we all have our own unique wilderness seasons in our lives. Even Jesus Christ, the Son of God was brought to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.
What is God telling you to let go?
Letting go isn’t easy but sometimes it is for our own good. I once thought that letting go is defeat and a sign of lack of faith in Jesus but I realized that holding on to something that’s meant to go would only cause heartaches, confusions and bad cycles in life.
Knowing your rights as a child of God
One of the famous Bible verses in the book of John says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John chapter 1 verse 12). How many of us truly understand the power and the massive weight of the Father’s love poured out in these words that we have become His children as we believed in His only Begotten Son?
Hungry for love?
We all want to be loved. It’s like humanity’s preset; a built-in system in every heart that when not met means we won’t function well in this life.
You are victorious through Jesus Christ
Have you ever felt so overcome by situations or people that when you think about facing them, you are suddenly consumed with fear, insecurity or anxiety?