Shannon Munyard
Press Service International

Shannon Munyard is home to the Adelaide Hills where she works as a horse riding instructor and equine assisted learning facilitator at a non-for profit youth campsite. Shannon is passionate about authenticity, and seeing people connected to their hearts. She loves the outdoors, bush camping, pondering deep questions and Jesus.
Heaven and hell
The other day I found myself talking to a bunch of sixteen year-old girls.
Absolute Hope
A year or so ago I did a study on the story of Lazarus. Growing up, the words ‘Jesus Wept’, were used to validate a deep emotional grievance or deep pain.
A message for my younger girls
For my highschool girls! Can I get a h-e-l-l-o?!
Story of Heidi
I distinctively remember, when I five years old asking my mum if I could please have a horse. At that stage, I lived in a small suburban house and we had no means of financially being able to afford horses.
The other day my work colleague asked me if I was confident in making coffee’s. (holler I’ve probably made a proper coffee twice in my life). I said ‘Sure!’. He looked at me confused, knowing full well I didn’t know how to use a coffee machine. ‘You can be confident at anything, doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing.’
Without love
If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
Heaven ‘n hell
The other day I found myself talking to a bunch of sixteen year old girls. The conversation started quietly; I asked them about their faith, and what they believed in. That day I pushed myself to be a lot bolder than what I am usually comfortable with, so when a few of the girls mentioned they weren’t really ‘anything’ I pushed myself to ask the question:
Firstly, I love this question. And it’s something I don’t think I’ve really come to terms with fully either. But I do know when music makes me feel ‘gross’ inside, or when I’m starting to feel my flesh take over. God is a lover of music, he created it. But there is so much Satan in music, it’s disturbing. I’m a big one for lyrics: if they’re of the world and I can tell it’s influencing me negatively, then I avoid listening to it.
Dare I ask
A few weeks ago I came to the realisation that lately I’d been walking on train tracks with the Lord. Parallel. There, constant, moving forward but never touching. Close enough to see but not close enough to give direct access to my heart. I was holding him at arms width with the deepest reserves of my heart, ‘playing it safe’.
Hold onto your joy
This time last year, if someone had told me I would have been the happiest and most joyful I’ve ever been in a year’s time I probably would have laughed in their face. This week as I sat down and reflected on the last six months of my life I am filled with a gratitude that brings me to tears.